

What can GLADD offer you?

Being a student member is a lot of fun and a great opportunity to meet other LGBTQ+ medics and dentists. Social events are very informal and range from parties to book clubs and marching in Prides all over the UK. There are hubs of activity across the country including London, Manchester, Bristol and Birmingham and we are always interested to help those looking to establish their own local LGBTQ+ healthcare groups. Our aspiration is to establish an LGBTQ+ student group in every medical and dental school.

Our thiving Student Network allows you to connect with other student members. You can join by contacting our student reps.

There are also opportunities to get involved with our mentoring programme and LGBTQ+ healthcare teaching – see our Education & Activism pages. Find out more about our Medical Schools Charter to end so-called 'conversion therapy', and encourage your medical school to sign up to fight this damaging and unethical practice.

Keep an eye out each year for our GLADD Student Prize, inviting submissions of writing in any form on the theme of LGBTQ+ healthcare.

If you would like to find out more about GLADD and how we can support you, have any questions or suggestions, you can contact our student reps. We also love hearing about your ideas for events & activities, so get in touch!

Find out more about our student reps on the Committee page.


Join us

Student membership is at the discounted price of £10 per year and offers you a range of benefits only available to those studying for their medical or dental degree. As well as invitation to all member events, tickets are heavily subsidised offering cheap rates for those on a budget.

Travel subsidies are also available to those who may be travelling to events; contact us for more information.