
What We Do


So-called ‘conversion therapy’

GLADD is a signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy, working to end this destructive and unethical practice in the UK.

Find out more about our leading work encouraging medical schools to sign up to a charter to commit to tackling this issue, protect their students and bring about change for the next generation of doctors.

Our efforts continue with the submission of proposals to the Government Equalities Office and an article in the BMJ.



GLADD is proud to take its place and march in the Pride in London parade each year, as a celebration of our community and bold reminder of the work still to be done to improve the health of LGBTQ+ people.

We are working to increase our presence at other Prides throughout the country - keep an eye on our events calendar to join us next time!


Trans healthcare

We contributed to the Cass Review consultation and will be releasing our statement on the published report in due course.

Our former Trans Rep Dr Katie McDowell features in a special episode of the She's The Doctor podcast, discussing gender & allyship in healthcare and their experience as a trans non-binary doctor. For further reading we recommend Katie's excellent BSDJ article on what the medical profession can do to better understand and improve healthcare for young trans people.

Read GLADD's 2020 statement regarding the now overturned High Court ruling on Bell v Tavistock, outlining our concerns of the impact on the wellbeing of young trans people, access to gender identity services and the inadequate representation of trans and non-binary people in the decision-making process.

In the BMJ, GLADD members highlight that poor data quality and patient care arise from a failure to distinguish between sex and gender in medical records and research. Much more needs to be done to understand health issues facing trans people and involve them in their care.


GMC apology for homophobic sanctions

GLADD has worked closely with the GMC on their work to recognise the harm and injustice caused by taking regulatory action against doctors under historic homophobic laws. This is a significant piece of work which has culminated in a formal apology:

The profound impact of investigation and sanction on the lives of lGBTQ+ doctors cannot be overstated. This is an important step in righting the wrongs of the past and, while the hurt and damage that has been caused to those doctors cannot be undone, it is important to acknowledge past injustices.
Although the threat of erasure from the medical register due to a doctor's sexuality no longer looms, prejudice against LGBTQ+ healthcare staff persists to this day. This apology represents progress towards justice for those impacted by these historic wrongs and progress for the LGBTQ+ community. We hope this gesture brings some measure of solace to those affected doctors and their loved ones.
It is particularly important to recognise that this initiative came from within the GMC, and we extend our gratitude to members of the GMC's LGBTQ+ staff network for their work and dedication in helping to bring about this apology.

GLADD has collected the stories of members whose professional and personal lifes were impacted by historic persecution and discrimination.



We also sit on the BMA's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion advisory group and review the equality impact of policies for the GMC and Royal Colleges. The GMC's new Guide for LGBT patients, published to coincide with Pride Month, was produced with the support of GLADD.

We also contributed to the Parliamentary Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into health and social care for LGBT people.


Understanding workforce diversity

If we aren't counted, we don't count. Monitoring of sexual orientation and gender identity by the NHS is not mandatory, meaning we struggle to understand the needs of LGBTQ+ patients and practitioners. This hampers the development of effective interventions and policy in the workplace. GLADD and the BMA have joined forces again to explore the experiences of LGBTQ+ doctors and medical students. We have been surveying our members periodically since 1997 and have witnessed the continued improvement in the lives of LGBTQ+ doctors. However, our most recent survey in 2016 laid bare the unacceptable prevalence of prejudice and lack of support that still exists, limiting the potential of the LGBTQ+ workforce, which can only lead to poorer care for our patients. All the background is in an excellent BMA article available here.

The 2022 survey tells us what’s changed, what still needs to be addressed, and for the first time explicitly seeks the views of the T, Q and + members of our community.


Inclusive Medical Education

We are proud to announce that we have co-signed the LGBTQ+ Inclusive Medical Education Alliance (LIMA) open letter to the General Medical Council and the Medical Schools Council.

LIMA is a network of medical students, doctors and service users campaigning for better LGBTQ+ teaching for medical students and doctors, to improve the medical curriculum and queer patient experiences. It was founded in 2022 by a group of medical students from across the UK who are passionate about improving LGBTQ+ healthcare teaching in the undergraduate medical curriculum.

This open letter calls for LGBTQ+ healthcare to be included in the UK medical undergraduate curriculum, through inclusion in Outcomes for Graduates and the content assessed in the Medical Licensing Assessment. You read the letter can find out more about LIMA here.


Supporting inclusive blood donation

GLADD is delighted to support more inclusive rules around blood donation and will continue to advocate for more that remains to be done in this area. Read our letter to members, also published in The Lancet.


The impact of COVID on LGBTQ+ health

GLADD members discuss the impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQ+ health inequalities and the concerning lack of evidence in this area, in this BMJ editorial and rapid response article.


A Genderless Medical Register

GLADD and our partners have successfully campaigned to allow doctors to remove their gender from the public medical register for the first time.

In the BMJ, former Chair Dr Christopher Morrison highlights the importance of diversity monitoring in developing a greater understanding of the medical workforce.


Championing the Progress Pride flag

GLADD has adopted the forward-looking Progress Pride flag as a symbol of greater diversity and inclusivity, as explained in this BMJ article.


Tackling abuse of LGBTQ+ NHS Staff

We work to raise awareness of and challenge discrimination against LGBTQ+ staff and patients. Read Dr Michael Alexander's article in i News, along with our report with the BMA on LGBT equality in the workplace.


Out at work: being a gay doctor


Hellomyname is Gender Badges

For International Pronouns Day we are supporting the use of pronouns on ID badges commonly used in healthcare settings.


Statements & Responses

As a respected national voice in LGBTQ+ health activism and education GLADD periodically issues statements on and responds to matters as they arise, where it is within our remit. Stay up to date with our positions below: