
What We Do


Undergraduate Education

GLADD delivers talks to healthcare students on LGBTQ+ healthcare, communication, gender identity and a whole lot more, focussing on building LGBTQ+ inclusive practice and championing the rights of their patients and colleagues.

Get in touch if you would like to find out more about being involved with delivering teaching or having us talk at your organisation.


Wider audiences

As well as giving talks to universities, GLADD also engages employers and the public. LGBT+ History Month 2024 particularly saw us deliver sessions to NHS trusts, industry groups and the Royal Voluntary Service.


Royal Society of Medicine

We have been delighted to partner with the Royal Society of Medicine for their annual LGBTQ+ Healthcare day, which launched in 2019. Speakers have included leading international figures, making this a fantastically inspiring and forward-looking events. Keep an eye out for next year’s dates in the summer!


Salon Series

Our 2018 Salon Series of talks tackled controversial and less-discussed issues in LGBT health, with a broad audience of healthcare professionals as well as being open to the general public.


Research Funding

GLADD is pleased to offer funding awards to promote research in the fields of LGBTQ+ medical and dental healthcare and education. For more information and application guidance see our Research Funding page: