This page includes signposting to advice and guidance you may need during your career as a doctor or dentist, as well as organisations you can turn to for financial or health issues that affect your work.
We encourage all practitioners to join a medical or dental defence organisation and trade union for employment and indemnity support. If applicable, your training deanery or affiliate Royal College is a good place to find resources relevant to your specific circumstances. If you are unsure where to find the information you need GLADD can help point you in the right direction, but is unable to offer advice on individual issues.
Support General Medical Council Advice & resources for doctors
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Support General Dental Council Advice & resources for dentists
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Support British Medical Association Trade union & professional body for doctors, including wellbeing service & employment support
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Support British Dental Association Trade union & professional body for dentists, including indemnity advice & employment support
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Support For medical students Welfare charities and university-specific resources
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Support GMC Register & Gender How to change name & gender on the register
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Support Practitioner Health A free, confidential NHS mental health service with expertise in treating healthcare professionals
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Support Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Financial & wellbeing help for doctors & medical students, including refugees
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Support Doctors' Support Network Peer support for doctors & medical students with mental health concerns
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Support WARD Wellbeing & mental health support for doctors
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Support You Okay, Doc? Bespoke mental health support & podcast for UK doctors
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Support HEE Professional Support Regional contacts from Health Education England
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Support Doctors in Distress Mental health support for medics
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Support Sick Doctors Trust Alcohol & drug support for doctors, dentists & students
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Support Stress Management & Resilience Toolkit From NHS Wales & the University of Cardiff
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Further Support
Our support pages include general information, resources and articles as well as specific LGBTQ+ Health, Bisexual, Trans and Religious support.
Support General LGBTQ+ General information, resources and support.
support LGBTQ+ Health Information, resources and support relating to LGBTQ+ health.
support Bisexual Information, resources and support for bisexual people.
support Trans Information, resources and support for trans people.
support Young People Information, resources and support for young people.
Support Religion Information, resources and support relating to religion.